Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Solving Zinc Deficiency by Eating the Right Types of Foods

Many health experts are now warning people about the impending danger that is zinc deficiency. According to statistics, as many as two billion people around the world today do not get enough zinc, an essential trace mineral, from their diet.

Even the most civilized countries are not protected from this health issue. In the United States, at least 12 percent of the population is at a high risk of zinc deficiency, which includes 40 percent of the elderly. In addition, many people have not been tested for their zinc status.

So Should You Take a Zinc Supplement? 

Individuals who are highly concerned about their overall health are now looking for ways to get more zinc from their diet. This is because zinc deficiency symptoms are not very apparent and are usually mistaken for other health issues. One easy option
they turn to is to take a zinc supplement. But is this really a good idea?

The problem with zinc supplements is that they usually provide large doses of zinc – too large, in fact, for your body. Remember, the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for zinc is only 11 milligrams for men and eight milligrams for women. So anything beyond 50 milligrams a day is already too much.

Many health experts warn against taking excessive doses of zinc, as it can lead to other health issues. Instead of treating the problem, you will only make it worse.

So unless you are consulting a natural health physician who can provide you with a trustworthy zinc supplement brand and can recommend the right dosage, avoid this tactic. What you can do instead is to raise your zinc levels by modifying your diet and including more zinc-rich foods in it.

Ideal Zinc Food Sources

The wonderful news is that there is a wide array of delicious, zinc-rich foods you can try. Zinc can come from plant or animal food sources, such as:
  • Liver
  • Lamb
  • Oysters
  • Crimini mushrooms
  • Spinach
  • Sea vegetables
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Green peas
However, remember that the zinc you get from plant sources is not properly absorbed by your body. Animal food sources also contain more zinc than plant sources. Take these for example:
  • Four ounces of lamb contain at least 31 percent of the zinc RDA
  • Four ounces of liver give you 72 percent of the RDA
  • Five ounces of crimini mushrooms give you only 10 percent of the RDA
  • One cup of spinach also gives you only 10 percent of the RDA
Therefore, you should get more zinc from animal food sources.

Organic Grass-Fed Beef: A Wonderful Source of Zinc

If you’re looking for the best animal source of zinc, organic grass-fed beef is one of the best options you can try. Grass-fed beef comes from cows that are allowed to graze in open pastures, and who are consuming their natural diet of fresh, chemical-free grass. Unlike commercial beef products, which come from cows raised in confined animal feeding operations (CAFOS) and fed grains, grass-fed beef is safe and hormone-free.

Grass-fed beef is not only rich in zinc, but also contains fewer calories. A grass-fed beef steak has 100 less calories than grain-fed steak.

There is noticeably less fat in grass-fed beef as well. You can cook four pounds of it and only drain off six ounces of fat. If you look at the fat, you will also notice that it is a completely different color – it is clearer and much thinner.

Grass-fed beef also has a flavor, smell, texture, and appearance that is slightly different from grain-fed beef. It tastes fuller and richer -- exactly how real beef should taste.

Solving zinc deficiency is easy as long as you have access to zinc-rich foods such as grass-fed beef. Add these foods to your diet and start optimizing your health!

About Author:

Zinc deficiency is a topic Mishka Thomas loves to write about, especially since she experienced it several years ago. A former fastfood junkie, she was warned by her physician about her risk for this health problem. She has now mended her ways and brought healthy foods back into her diet.

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